Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

61 splinters use it.

Explore Microsoft Excel 2010. Includes new data analysis and virtualization tools that help you track and highlight important data.

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Some Splinters who are using Microsoft Excel

  • Stacy Siciliano Smith profile image
  • Ahmed Medhat Omar Ibrahim profile image
  • Józsa Zalán profile image
  • Heidi El Sharouni profile image
  • AGUSTIN ROSA MARIN profile image
  • obasun Nneka profile image
  • Robert Adonias Costa Gomes profile image
  • Matthew McConnell profile image
  • Egbe Enow Assam Dandeson Cooper profile image
  • Said Abdul Aziem profile image
  • Mohamed Mokhtar profile image
  • Mohamed Marouf profile image
  • Abd-Elrhman Hassan profile image
  • Remus Toma profile image
  • Daline Aguilera profile image
  • Ahmed Shalaby profile image
  • Stanislas Boyet profile image
  • Adnan N. Salim profile image