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Work Experiences


Business Co-Founder

Oct 2012 - current is a big data platform with application in recruitment vertical.

Entrepreneurship and Tech Communicator @

Jan 2011 - current

- Official Blogger for Next Conference, Berlin (2011 and 2012) -
- Ambassador for StartEurope (Startup Week, Vienna 2011 and Pioneers Festival, Vienna 2012) -
- Official Blogger for Bitspiration, Krakow (2012) -
- Official Blogger for How to Web, Bucharest (2012) -
- Official Blogger for Geekcelerator -
- Official Blogger for European Pirate Summit, Cologne (2012)-
- Official Blogger for European Venture Summit, Berlin (2012) -

Author @Customer Seduction

Sep 2012 - Jan 2013

Being based on 68 interviews with entrepreneurs, investors and specialists from all over the world, the book will provide practical know-how and case studies.

Available on Amazon:
More details:

The book addresses founders of early stage tech startups that want to know:
- how to gather and interpret customer feedback in product development
- what it takes to get to product-market fit
- how to do user acquisition
- how not to scale prematurely
- how to use metrics to understand growth potential and to convince investors to fund
- how to form a team with the needed skills at different stages of development

Community Manager @Tech Open Air Berlin

Jul 2012 - Aug 2012


Marketing Consultant @Daedalus Millward Brown

Jan 2011 - Jul 2012

Provided Strategic Marketing Consultancy to top companies, based on consumer insights gathered through moderation of focus-groups, interviews, blogs etc (Qualitative Marketing Research)

Specialization: Digital

Other activities:
- Created new digital research methodologies
- Run first year Social Media Marketing for the company

Co-Founder & VP Business Development @JADE Romania

Dec 2010 - Jul 2012

JADE Romania is the umbrella organization of Romanian Junior Enterprises, member of JADE at European level.

- Development of internal processes
- Established and developed partnerships at national and international level
- Acquired sponsorships (fundraising)
- Offered Business Development Consultancy for the member Junior Enterprises
- Project Management of International Conference on Intrapreneurship
- Concept creation and Development of Business Cocktail
- Concept creation and Development of Startup Live ClujNapoca (in partnership with StartEurope)

Founder and General Manager

Jan 2011 - Apr 2012 offers headhunting services for internship programmes inside companies.

- Business model creation
- Strategic Management
- Business Development
- Marketing Management
- Team Leadership

Marketing Manager

Jun 2011 - Dec 2011


Head of Communications, Events and HR (Executive Board) @JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises (Brussels, Belgium)

Oct 2009 - Oct 2010

JADE is a non-profit umbrella organization of 280 student-run SMEs across 15 European countries (Headquarters in Brussels), focused on promoting youth entrepreneurship. (more info: The term of service is one year.

- Strategic Management (3 years strategy, annual plan)
- Representation before third parties (companies, media, public institutions etc.)
- Coordinated the execution of researches (quantitative and qualitative)
- Defined, coordinated and executed marketing campaigns for international projects and events
- Coordinated the rebranding of the Organisation at international level
- Website Content Management
- Project Management and Editor-in-Chief for an international online magazine (JADE Gazette)
- Community Management
- Improved and managed the recruitment process of Project Managers and next Executive Boards
- Concept development of new projects and products
- Supervised the organisation of international events (examples: Junior Enterprise World Conference 2010 in Milano, Italy; Spring Meeting 2010 in Brussels, Belgium)

Marketing Research Assistant @Daedalus Millward Brown

Feb 2008 - Aug 2009


Marketing Manager @Business Organisation for Students (Bucharest, Romania)

Jun 2008 - Jun 2009

- Restructured the organization: created the Marketing Department, to coordinate existing related departments (Advertising and PR) under one common Communication strategy, based on insights gathered through research
- Leaded, trained and developed the department (8 people)
- Strategic Management (annual plan, marketing strategy and plan for all projects and events)
- Conducted marketing research studies (example: assessing the organisation's image)



Mathematics and Computer Science @Nicolae Balcescu HighSchool

2002 - 2006


Marketing @ASE, Bucharest

2006 - 2009


Social Glance